A witch alone av Ruth Warburton
Antal sidor: 432
Utgiven: 2013-02-07
Serie: Winter triologin (del 3)
Where do you go when your heart has been ripped out? For Anna there is only one answer; into her past, where the truth about her mother, her power, and her real identity lie hidden. But as Anna delves deeper into her history, she begins to fear that the truth about what set her mother running may be darker than she ever suspected. With the witches of the world on the brink of war, the love of her life, Seth, gone and her closest friend, Abe, wanting more from her than she can possibly give, Anna is in crisis. Ultimately she will have to choose between friends, family and rival tribes of witches and - at the last - between love and magic.
Where do you go when your heart has been ripped out? For Anna there is only one answer; into her past, where the truth about her mother, her power, and her real identity lie hidden. But as Anna delves deeper into her history, she begins to fear that the truth about what set her mother running may be darker than she ever suspected. With the witches of the world on the brink of war, the love of her life, Seth, gone and her closest friend, Abe, wanting more from her than she can possibly give, Anna is in crisis. Ultimately she will have to choose between friends, family and rival tribes of witches and - at the last - between love and magic.
Tankar om boken
Ärligt talat kan jag säga att jag blev väldigt less på den här serien i slutändan. Det verkade lovande, men nej..
Det jag gillade med sista delen i serien var att boken tog upp lite grann om Annas mamma och vad som hände, men inte tillräckligt. Jag gillade inte vem spionen var (även om jag faktiskt blev lurad där) och jag gillade definitivt inte hur det gick med kärlekshistorien. Jag ville inte alls att det skulle bli som det blev!
Men jag gillar Em väldigt mycket, en härlig karaktär!
